
True Love

Maybe true love is a decision, a decision to take a chance with somebody. To give to somebody. Without worrying whether they'll give anything back, or if they're gonna hurt you, or if they really are the one. Maybe love isn't something that happens to you. Maybe it's something you have to choose.



1、 你喜欢以谈论天气作为话题的开始。
2、 "Sorry"和"thank you"是你们的口头禅。
3、 不管是否出于真心,你们喜欢使用表示"称赞"的词汇,经常使用"good"、"fantastic"、"nice"、"perfect"、"lovely"等单词。  4、 在中午12点前,你们打招呼都会说"good morning"。
5、 当你在别人面前忍不住打喷嚏时,你会说"sorry"表示抱歉。
6、 当别人在你面前打喷嚏时,你会对他说"BLESS U"。
7、 你习惯用"ye"或"ya"来表示"yes"。
8、 自行车在你们国家更多的是被当成运动工具而非交通工具。
9、 当你们骑自行车时,普遍穿戴头盔、反光警示服并在自行车上装上照明灯等装备。
10、 你们不怕淋雨,也不怎么怕冷,所以在路上可以很容易遇到冒雨进行跑步运动的人。
11、 你们的早餐通常是牛奶里兑上麦片,或者是在烤香肠(sausage)上泼上西红柿和黄豆一起煮的酱。
12、 你们用餐时要用上刀、叉以及至少两个汤匙,因此很惊诧于中国人用两根筷子加个汤匙就可以搞定一餐饭。
13、 你们喜欢用热的碟子装热食物,并喜欢在桌上用垫子。
14、 你们喝茶时喜欢在红茶里加牛奶和糖,你们称之为"英国茶"(English tea)。
15、 下午茶是你们文化的一部分,虽然现在简化了很多,但你们依然保持着这个传统。
16、 当你们说"给我来杯水"时,一般要的是凉水,你们习惯直接喝从水龙头里出来的水,不习惯喝开水。
17、 你们不喜欢吃动物的内脏及头脚。
19、 你们喜欢奶酪。
20、 你喜欢各种cream
21、 红萝卜、生菜、西兰花、洋葱是你们最常吃的蔬菜。
22、 你们习惯将土豆当成主食。
23、 你们喜欢将薯片(crisp)当成零食(snack)。
24、 你们喜欢油炸的食品,这也是导致你肥胖的一个重要原因。
25、 你们每年至少会举行或参加一次BBQ活动。
28、 你们家里至少有两口平底锅。
29、 你们用打蛋器打蛋,因为你们不会用筷子。
30、 在餐馆吃饭你会给小费。
31、 在快餐店用完餐,你会自己收拾盘子。
32、 你的房子里铺地毯。
33、 你们的房间里普遍有暖气却鲜有空调。
34、 你们家里总有至少5瓶不同用途的清洁剂,分别用于洗手、洗碗、厨房、厕所、地毯。
35、 你们家里有吸尘器(vacuum),但不一定都有扫帚(broom)。
36、 你们使用抽水马桶,无论私人洗手间还是公共洗手间。
37、 你们的园艺知识比较丰富,因为除非住楼房,基本上你们都有自己的花园。
38、 你们喜欢DIY,所以你们的车库里总有大大小小不同的工具。
39、 你家有可能仍在挂壁画0年前就淘汰了。    
40、 你们在早上洗澡。
42、 当天气好时,你们喜欢在草地上晒太阳。
43、 足球是你们引以为荣的一项运动。
45、 集体活动时,你们会各付各的帐。
47、 当你驾车时,你会让过马路的人先行。
48、 当你过马路时,你会对让你先行的开车人竖起大拇指做个表示赞许的手势以示感谢。
49、 你们的方向盘(steering wheel)在右边。
50、 你们的行路规则是靠左。
51、 你们习惯于排队,秩序井然。
52、 你买东西时不会讨价还价。
53、 小时候,你有通过劳动从父母那获得零花钱(pin money)的经历。
54、 你喜欢以送卡片给别人的方式表达你的情感,并会将收到的贺卡摆在客厅中。
55、 当你们相遇或告别时,你们喜欢拥抱(embrace)。


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62, shove v. to push sb/sth in a rough way

Shove over 往那边挪挪

63, ciao n. (from Italian) goodbye

64, sheepish adj. looking or feeling embarrassed because you have done sth silly or wrong

65, herald v. to be a sign that sth is going to happen. Eg. This heralds a period of deeper intimacy.

66, intimacy n. the state of having a close personal relationship with sb

67, rancid adj. 腐臭的 if food containing fat is rancid, it taste or smells unpleasant because it is no longer fresh

68, convent n. 女修道院 a building in which nuns(=members of a female religious community)live together

69, Mary Poppins

a popular Walt Disney film (1964), based on the character created by the Australian writer P L Travers. Mary is a nanny (= a woman who looks after young children) who can fly with an umbrella and do other magic things. Julie Andrews played the part and won an Oscar for it. The film's songs include Chim-Chim-Cheree, which won an Oscar, and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

70, Alps. 阿尔卑斯山 a well know mountain range in Europe. (Austria, Switzerland, Italy)

71, riot n. 暴乱 a situation in which a group of people behave in a violent way in a public place, often as a protest

72, tambien=fine

73, pry v. to try to find out information about other people's private lives in a way that is annoying or rude. Eg. I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry.

74, saga n. a long story about events over a period of many years

75, indulge v. to allow yourself to have or to do sth that you like, especially sth that is considered bad for you.

76, cross my heart (informal) used to emphasize that you are telling the truth or will do what you promise

Eg. I saw him do it-cross my heart

77 spank v. to hit sb, especially a child, several times on their bottom as a punishment

78, bugger n. Œan offensive word used to insult sb, especially a man, to show dislike

v. to have anal sex with sb

79,surreal adj. very strange, more like a dream than reality, with ideas and images mix together in a strange way

80, enrage v. to make sb. very angry

81, pamper v. to take care of sb very well and make them feel as comfortable as possible

82, vile adj. (informal)extremely unpleasant or bad.

83, Tate Modern an art gallery on the south bank of the River Thames in London that contains a collection of international modern art from 1900 to the present. It has been extremely popular since it opened in 2000, partly because of the building, which used to be a power station (= (= a place where electricity is produced)).

84, Sambuca, is an Italian aniseed-flavoured, usually colourless liqueur.

85, All about eve(1950), directed by Joseph Mankiewicz; it is about an ingenue insinuates herself in to the company of an established but aging stage actress and her circle of theater friends.

86, steely adj. (of a person's character or behavior)strong, hard and unfriendly

87, condescending adj. behaving as though you are more important and more intelligent than other people

88, fantasist n. 幻想家

89, RADA, Royal Academy of Dramatic Art

90, Gwyneth Paltrow (1972– ) a US actor who won an Oscar for her performance in Shakespeare in Love (1998). Her other films include Se7en (1995), Sliding Doors (1998) and Sylvia (2003). Her private life has received a lot of media attention, including her relationships with Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck. She married Chris Martin in 2003.

91, luvvie adj. lovey 对爱人的昵称

92, resent v. to feel bitter or angry about sth, especially because you feel it is unfair

93, good riddance to sb/sth an unkind way of saying that you are pleased that sb/sth has gone

94, dedication n. a ceremony that is held to show that a building or an object has a special purpose or is special to the memory of a particular person

95, slosh adj. (of liquid)to move around making a lot of noise or coming out over the edge of sth

96, make a pass at sb. (informal) to try to start a sexual relationship with sb

97, sharp adv. Exactly 11am sharp

98, marquee n. a covered entrance to a theatre hotel, etc. often with a sign on or above it

99, quirk n. an aspect of sb's personality or behavior that is little strange

100, Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯 (阿根廷首都)

101, diarrhea n. an illness in which waste matter is emptied from the bowels much more frequently than normal, and in liquid form 腹泻

102, essence adj. the most important quality or feature of sth, that makes it what it is

103, villain n. the main bad character in a story


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28, dizzy, feverish, nauseous

Dizzy adj. feeling as if everything is spinning round you and that you are not able to balance

Feverish adj. (usually before Noun) showing strong feelings of excitement or worry, often with a lot of activity or quick movements

Nauseous adj. feeling as if you want to vomit

29, cynic n. Œa person who believes that people only do things to help themselves, rather than for a good or sincere reasons; a person who does not believe that sth good will happen or that sth is important

30, Sotheby's: a leading London firm of auctioneers. Sotheby's is famous for dealing in works of art and antiques, and has a particularly strong reputation for selling old books. The company was established in 1744. It also has a branch in New York. (In the film: David Williams was promoted the head of the New York division.)

31, bump into sb. (informal) to meet sb by chance

32, Per se adv. (from Latin) used meaning 'by itself' to show that you are referring to sth on its own, rather than it connection with other things

Eg. The drug is not harmful per se, but it dangerous when taken with alcohol.

33, pine for sb/sth ---to want or miss sb/sth very much eg. She was pining for the mountain of her native country.

34, vegan n. a person who does not eat any animal products such as meat, milk or eggs. Some vegans do not use animal products such as silk or leather.

35, Sylvia Plath (1932–63), a US writer who lived in Britain. She is considered an important poet of her generation. Her work is very personal and towards the end of her life she often wrote about death. She was a brilliant student and moved to England to study at Cambridge University. In 1956 she married the British poet Ted Hughes. She suffered from depression, and in 1963 she killed herself. After her death, collections of her poems were published, including Ariel (1965) and Collected Poems (1981), which won the Pulitzer Prize. She also wrote a novel, The Bell Jar (1963) which was based on her own life and personal experiences. In 1998 Ted Hughes published a book of poems, Birthday Letters, about their relationship. A film, Sylvia, was made about the couple in 2003.

36, conspiracy n. [c u] a secret plan by a group of people to do sth. harmful or illegal.

Conspiracy of silence: an agreement not to talk publicly about sth which should be made public

37, dangle v. to hold sth. so that it hangs or swings freely

38, bait n. a person or thing that is used to catch sb or to attact them, for example to make them do what you want

39, superficial adj. (disproving) not concerned with anything serious or important and lacking any depth of understanding or feeling

40, haunt v. if something unpleasant haunt you, it keeps coming to your mind so that you can not forget it

41, obscene adj. connected with sex in a way that most people find offensive 淫秽的

42, BT=British Telecom

43, biblical adj. connected with the Bible

44, intrigue v. (often passive) to make sb very interested and want to know more about sth.

Eg. You are really intrigued me—tell me more!

45, launderette n. a place where you can wash and dry your clothes in machines that you operate by putting in coins

46, matchmaker n. a person who tries to arrange marriages or relationships between others

47, brownie n. a thick soft flat cake made with chocolate and sometimes nuts and served in small squares

48, hash n. a hot dish of cooked meat and potatoes that are cut into small pieces and mix together. Hash "#" on the phone or keyboard. ("*"asterisk, "/" forward slash)

Hash brown n. a type of British breakfast which made by potatoes in a shape of triangle.

49, Bloomsbury –an area of central London. The British Museum and the main buildings of London University are in Bloomsbury, and many famous people have lived in there, including the Bloomsbury Group

50, pester v. pester sb. for/with sth

--to annoy sb, especially by asking them sth many times

51, one thing led to another: most used as substitute to sexual descriptions, it can also serve to shorten or skip over pasts of conversations. It allows the listener to fill in the blanks themselves with their imagination.

52, reportage n. [u] (forma) the reporting of news or the typical style in which this is done in newspapers, or on TV and radio.

53, exotic adj. 异国情调的 from or in another country, especially a typical one; seeming exciting and unusual because it is connected with foreign countries.

54, Jackpot n. a large amount of money that is the most valuable prize in a game of chance

Hit the jackpot: (figurative) ==were successful

55, poof n. (BrE, slang) an offensive word for homosexual man

56, Robbie Williams (1974– ) a British pop singer. He began his career as a member of the group Take That but left them in 1995 to perform on his own. His successful records have included Angels (1997) and Rock DJ (2000), and the albums Life Thru a Lens (1997), Sing When You're Winning (2000) and Escapology (2002).

57, pedicure n. care and treatment of the feet and toenails

58, T-cells n. T-淋巴细胞

59, stalker n. a person who follows and watches another person over a long period of time in a way that is annoying or frightening.

60, Whitney Houston (1963– ) a US singer of popular music and actor. She has won Grammy awards for several songs, including Saving All My Love for You (1985), I Wanna Dance with Somebody (1987) and I Will Always Love You (1993). Her films include The Bodyguard (1993), Waiting to Exhale (1995), The Preacher's Wife (1997) and Cinderella (1997), a multicultural version of the fairy story made for TV.

"I will always love you" which is also the theme of "the Bodyguard" (保镖)